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Here is a little post while a girl is on the go. I’m on my way to visit my family in Palm Springs, (SoCal). I consider myself to be pretty savvy when it comes to packing snacks and meals. But I have to admit that tonight has been a major fail. I trekked to the airport on the train right after a two hour class. I knew that I’d be in transit during dinner and even thought ahead to pack some snacks.


I packed myself a kashi granola bar, almonds, blueberries, and some sliced jicama. Normally such an array would leave me delighted, but after battling the commute and security lines, the last thing I wanted was something cleverly packed. It was 7:30, prime dinner time. I needed a glass of wine and a hot meal. I walked back and forth between three food venues. And back and forth again. I knew none if this was healthy let alone cheap. A simple Greek salad cost $10.99!!! A girl on a student’s budget was not going to shell out that kind of cash on some mediocre greens.

Alas, the airport won and I settled in at their bar and grill. I ordered a bowl of fried (yes) rice with sauteed shrimp and pineapple, AND a glass of Pinot Grigio. .


$12.99 for a plate and $7.50 for the glass of wine. ::sigh:: As soon as my “meal” arrived I laughed. It was enough rice to feed myself for a month!! Maybe the food wouldn’t be as expensive if they simply served appropriate portion sizes. I ate about 1/8 of my plate (and every last bit of shrimp) but the entire glass of wine!

It’s moments like these when I find myself outside my food Mecca bubble that is the bay area that I am most frustrated. It amplifies everything that is broken about our food system. To correct this issue at an individual level, I know I could have been slightly smarter about packing my meal. But what is to be done on a bigger scale???

What are some of your tricks for healthifying your food for travel??

What do you chose to eat at an airport?